The survey, prompted by the Savile Scandal, offers an opportunity to staff and freelances working in all areas of broadcasting to give their views on employers’ attitudes to bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination.
The union will be contributing to the review into sexual harassment procedures at the BBC which Dinah Rose QC will be assisting with. The survey may inform the union’s representations to this review and key, ‘global’ findings may also be shared with the independent review into the Jimmy Savile affair which is being led by Dame Janet Smith DBE.
The union’s survey, which should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete can be found here.
Reports to date on the Savile Scandal have revealed an inhibition on the part of some BBC staff to pursue rumours of wrong-doing.
BECTU hopes the survey will add to its own understanding of how these complaints are pursued and dealt with. The exercise may also suggest positive changes for the future.
The survey will close at 5pm on Monday 3 December 2012.

BECTU is inviting current and past workers in broadcasting – both union members and not – to take part in a survey into respect and dignity at work.
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